Safe at Home, Don't Let Me Roam Overview

Research shows that cats who are contained, either fully indoors or on the property they live at, are likely to live longer, healthier lives. Increasingly, people are choosing to keep their cats contained. This is because there are many dangers that can come with being free roaming and it is possible to provide for all of a cat’s physical, mental and behavioural needs in a contained environment. Additionally, contained cats pose much less of a threat to our native species of wildlife.

Safe at Home Don’t Let Me Roam is a technology based unit that gives students the opportunity to learn about the importance of cat containment for the welfare of cats. Like with any animal, ensuring that their environment will meet their needs and is enriching for them is crucial to having a happy and healthy contained cat. Students will learn about what cats need in their environment and work through the technological design process to design an enriched space that would suitable for a contained cat.

This unit also offers suggestions for incorporating learning around digital technologies and creating digital outcomes.

Tip: Students can use Care and Create, SPCA's Minecraft World to design their enriched space. 

Contents Page
Contents Page

Download a brief overview of the learning experiences in this unit.

Created on: 9/07/2021 4:09:46 PM Modified on: 15/04/2024 7:13:41 PM
Resources and Materials
Resources and Materials

Download all the printable materials used in this unit, in one PDF.

Created on: 2/03/2021 11:04:33 AM Modified on: 15/04/2024 7:13:52 PM